Square <- function(x) {

print(Square(x=4)) # same thing
[1] 16
[1] 16

Defining functions

Functions can be defined like this: function(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3){code}.
For use they are assigned to a variable (using normal <- assignment operator).

Return values

The return function is used for return values: return(value). If no value is given NULL is returned.


Raise a to the power of b: a^b. It's also possible to use ** instead of ^.

Named arguments

Named arguments work like this: DoSomething(color="red",number=55).

You can also give the first arguments in order and then use named arguments: DoSth(value1,value2,arg4=value4,arg3=value3).

Automatic printing at the console

When using the console directly R automatically prints the return value of a statement if you don't assign it to a variable. This doesn't work in loops or functions.

You can use invisible(CalculateSth()) if you don't want the return value to be printed.